Friday, March 27, 2009


Mission 1 :

Rules : You cannot answer the questions by repeating the previous answer

State 5 facts of yourself that people know:

-I can cry easily
-I love pink colour
-im a laughter
-im a emo
-im so self loving. haha

State 5 facts that people don't know

-i got tummy
-u cant find my birth mark easily
-i love my family and friends
-im very feminine
-i dont like to keep on repeat same thing I wan to said

State 5 bad things about yourself
-self fish



-waste time on internet

State 5 good things about yourself
-im positive thinking
-i love to help
-im tall. hahaha
-im a joker

-im hyperactive XD

Now Tag 5 peoples
tommy, JUN, kennichi, sue ann, fatt

Mission 2

1) Do you think you're hot ?


2) Upload your favourite picture of you.

3) Why do you like that picture ?
because those are my lovely friends that i will never forget them.
and this picture looks nice. right? haha

4) When was the last time you ate pizza ?
valentine's day?

5) The last song you listen to ?
情歌 - Fish Leong

6) What do you do right now besides this ?
deciding to take off my shirt, so damn hot =.=

7) What name do you prefer besides yours ??
leng lui moon XD




coi bong


8) Who is number 1 ?
dearest sai lou

9) Number 3 is having relationship with ?
me ?

10) Say something about number 2 ?
kedah's frenz

11) How about 4 ?
mistery ppl =.= my beeeee~

Mission 3

1 ♥
你的绰号: moon moon

2. 年龄: 16++
3. 生日:09/08/1992
4. 星座: LEO
5. 兴趣: listening songs, taking photo
6. 专长:eat XD

No2 ♥
1. 你有没有喜欢的人:nope
2. 是否有交往:no
3. 现在幸福吗:Yea.
4. 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事:bungee jump!
5. 如果有天,你爱的人跟你表白的话:I'll accept it? Haha.

No3 ♥
1. 点你的人是:belbel
2. 他(她)是你的: frenz

3. 他(她)的个性: natural, warm
4. 认识他(她)多久: yearsss
5. 你觉得他(她)怎样:Nice people but TOO rich
6. 你相对他(她)说什么:how i wish i can same like u~xD

No4 ♥
1. 最爱的节目: None
2. 最爱的音乐:Any nice songs.
3. 最爱的季节:spring
4. 最爱的卡通:momo

5. 最爱的人:My friends and family. =)
6. 最爱的颜色:White, pink, green
7. 最爱的国家 : Taiwan
8. 最爱的天气:Windy

幸福套餐 No5 ♥
1. 如果上天给你三个愿望: Health, Peace, Happiness
2. 你是很专一的人吗:not for tis moment XD
3. 最深刻的记忆: there are too many
4. 你是个很有信心的人吗:it depends.
5. 你很爱微笑吗:no, I like to XD
6. 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗:NO!!
7. 妄想什么样的生活:Happy and enjoyable with no worries.
8. 是否横刀夺爱才是爱:No.

U !!

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