Saturday, November 27, 2010



Sunday, November 21, 2010

Totally random .hehehe

Smile poeples !! :D

I had a simply perfect yet blissful day with one of my besties hang out, spending up money for shopping n chit-chatting non-stop on yesterday, ehehe. Full Filled with satisfaction, wow~ But now then I realized, there is no any photos taken with her yesterday, maybe too busy for shopping? XD

here come out first meal of the day, "女可 仔面线" at the new outlet in Ipoh Parade, sorry to say that, I can't feel any delicious nor yummy taste in this bowl that cost me RM6.50 !! the "o zai" is taste like expired rubbish that melt in my mouth n slipped into my throat. yucks, can't even describe how disgusting and terrible was this, it was like killing my taste bud. No more for me X.X

RM8 for this set. haha

Her fried sweet potatoes, cheap yet crispy :)
yum yum~~

So right after the meal, we started our crazy shopping day, its totally random and we walked like one shop to one shop, how fun was it. haha, and yeah, I did spent up for RM200 ++ for two clothes and some cosmetics from Etude House & Elianto, both my favourite cosmetic items from Korea. X)

This Christmas Value Pack cost me RM145
included Mascara, Lip Gloss, BB Cream, Eye Shadow, Face mask and tools !!!
its everything in PINK !!!
you know i can't resist it, god damn it. hahaha

with additional eye brow pencil from Elianto :)

and also eye makeup remover from Loreal .
how can I not to feel happy after i get all of these?
I'm actually feeling good n awesome !!
So in love with Etude House cosmetic and can't wait to dress myself nicely n meet up with my sisters in KL in the coming DEC !!! :D

Cheers, XOXO

Monday, November 8, 2010

相由心生 - 就是这个意思



Saturday, November 6, 2010


凌晨 3.17am - 我又失眠
最近身边的人都发生好多事,看在眼里,记在心里。历历在目,我只能说;人情冷暖这四个字,不用等到我年尾总结,我现在就体验到了。2010 年,真的不是很好的一年啊~ 我们经历那么多,始终还是得说“永别了” 我不可以再把你当朋友了。。。谢谢你们,曾经介入我的生命。。我依然会很珍惜那段真心的时光。。。而那些以前当成是“泛泛之交”的,却来个风水轮流转。。现在我想珍惜的,就是此刻彼此交心的我们,不要再变了,大家。。。这样已经很好了。。。我今年经历的,再也经历不起第三次。。。我怕哪天,我真的会选择当独行侠。。。哦~ 眼睛湿了。。。我依然毫无睡意。。。如果我的人生,可以好像这部落那样,不用分段却充满停顿的点点点。。。那样多好。。。虽然看似很乱,可是我自己清楚就好了。。。我知道这段日子以来,担心我前途的人多到~我何尝不是也在为我前途而焦急。。。可是我的信心,似乎也所剩无几了 tim,我曾经很暴躁的跟身边的人大声说,我的未来不用你担心。。。也曾经很软弱的选择了低声下气的说,我自己也不知道怎么办。。我还可以怎样。。。我真的是很随性的,看步行步咯。。。我真的非做空姐不可?是的。。。我不想让我自己后悔。。。至少体验过,不适合,才放弃。。。可是此刻我想起一句话:“我们做人,不可以随便放“气”的。。哈哈,我想起你了。。。如果那三天,只有我们,那该多好。。可惜啊~依然和醉倒沙滩旁无缘。。。下一次,不懂多久以后。。。最近的我,好像感觉到些什么。。。如果我死了。。。葬礼谁会来?你们知道我要怎样的葬礼吗?你们会在我葬礼上说出真心话吗?有谁会为我掉泪?即使我看不见。。。但我依然会感激。。。生命的无常,教会了我更加要珍惜身边的人。。。爸爸,妈妈。。你们会为我骄傲吗?即使我到现在仍然很没出息。。。
生日快乐,我的 gar gar。。没想到时间过得那么快,已经3 年了。。。如果我告诉你,其实我有后悔过,那么我们的结果会不会不一样?如果我告诉你,在某些日子我还是会想起你,想念着你叫我名字的温柔脸庞,想念我们一起放学回家的情景,想念以前你等我放学后一起去吃冰淇淋的星期二。。不懂你会不会也有我这样的感觉?如果我告诉你,三年前想送给你的礼物,如今还在我车里。。如果我告诉你,我很珍惜以前的日子,可是现在如果重来,我依然会拒绝。。。因为伤害一旦造成了,就再也很难痊愈。。。我只是很想知道,你放开了吗??