Saturday, April 3, 2010

What i've done today

  1. I lost my two Explore 10GB customers with a very big mistake i've ever make !!!
  2. I didn't keep those customers record who interest with our package!!!!
  3. I wrote on a wrong receipt book !!!
  4. Wasted many flyers to those fellow just wanna flirt with me.
  5. I owned Jayne two busgerssss
  6. I ignore what Uncle Hin try to tell me just now.
  7. I let grandma sleeping alone tonight and i slept her bed tonight :(
  8. I miss the right timing to tell Ley Yeau Happy 22th....
OMFG.... seems like what i've done for today is really a failure....
argh.... i did pray well & do my best but i just can't change the ending...
why arh??? i not perfect enough !!! not persistence enough !!!
Must drag & kill !!!
for my very last 3 days... i must fight against all those obstacles!!!

because i am 坚强的 taufu!! 遇强越强的 taufu !!!!


  1. 不要被你是坚强的taufu这个称号所牵绑,失落时候也要好好地养伤 =]

  2. 后来我就是因为一直坚持着我是遇强越强的 TAUFU 才可以让我拥有美好的结局,哈哈。
